How to convert songs downloaded from Mi Music Player to Mp3?
How to convert songs downloaded from Mi Music Player to Mp3?
How to convert songs downloaded from Mi Music Player to Mp3?

How to convert songs downloaded from Mi Music Player to Mp3?

Mi Music is the official music player app on Xiaomi phones which comes preinstalled on all Xiaomi phones. Mi Music Player allows streaming music online. And starting from Mi Music version v3.4.08i, Xiaomi introduced 20 Free song downloads using the Mi Music App. However, the songs downloaded using the Mi Music Player are in .XOHT format. So the files cannot be played on other conventional music players.In this post we shall discuss how to download and convert the songs downloaded from Mi Music Player to MP3. You can then copy the songs, and play them on various music players.

Download songs from Mi Music Player app:

  • Open Mi Music Player and browser Online Music.
  • Find song you like and select it to play (stream online).
  • If you desire, you can also download it.

The downloaded songs are visible in the Mi Music App under “My Music” and the downloaded songs can be played from the Mi Music player app anytime.

However, if you want to share or play those songs on other music players, such as using your home stereo using USB or in the car stereo, then it is not directly possible unless the players support the file extension (.XOHT). So here is an easy way to convert the downlaoded songs to MP3.
Where are the downloaded songs from Mi Music Player app?

Songs downloaded using the Mi Music Player app are at:
>Internal shared storage>Android >data>com.miui.player >files>Music 

How to convert the  downloaded songs from Mi Music Player app to mp3?

Watch the video below for more details:
Open a file manager on the phone and navigate to “>Internal shared storage>Android >data>com.miui.player >files>Music”.

There will be two files for each song, one with .XOH and another with .XOHT file extension.

Copy the music files with .XOHT file extension.

Paste it some where easily accessible. Such as “>Internal shared storage>Music” folder.

Select each music file and rename.Then remove the ,xoht extension and replace with .mp3

If you get a warning, just tap OK and proceed.  The songs are now in MP3 format.

You may test the songs by playing them on the phone.

You can now copy and play the music on your computer, home entertainment, car etc.