Documentary filmmaking is hardly a viable career for many. Nonetheless, facing unique hurdles that impact their mental well-being, documentary filmmakers...
When Louis C.K. went from being a failed film director of the undistributed Tomorrow Night (1998) and studio-butchered Pootie Tang (2001) to the top...
How to connect Android Device to Computer wirelessly for faster file transfer (using Mi Drop app)? Some time ago, Bluetooth...
If your Windows computer is also used by other users or family members, and you want to disable access to...
Documentary is happy to debut an exclusive clip from siblings Rebecca and Pete Davis’s Join or Die. Their debut feature documentary examines...
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist has grossed nearly $3 million at the box office since its release in June,...
Mi Music is the official music player app on Xiaomi phones which comes preinstalled on all Xiaomi phones. Mi Music...
With most email clients you can easily create tasks from an email or at least mark a reminder against an...
On a warm May evening, the opening ceremony of the 14th edition of the Taiwan International Documentary Festival (TIDF) was...
Charlie Shackleton describes The Afterlight as “a film that’s designed to be lost.” A meditation on impermanence and mortality, consisting of imagery of...
There are times when one may need to flash an Android Phone, may be due to issues or for some...
Panoramic photos are wide angle photos. Most smartphone cameras and even digital cameras have Panorama mode, where the user have...